Bard Math Circle at the Red Hook Public Library

The Bard Math Circle will be traveling to the Red Hook Public Library on September 16th from 5:00-7:00! There is a brand-new, beautiful Children’s Library in the basement of the building, which will serve as a great space for us.

Come and play some games, dissect some squares, and learn some strategies!

(I challenge everyone to a game of Set.)

Kingston Library Circle: 2nd Saturdays this year!

The Bard Math Circle at the Kingston Public Library starts again on Saturday, September 10th, and continues through May on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

This math circle is targeted towards middle-school aged students, but everyone (especially families and math teachers) is welcome! Our goals include building mathematical intuition, insight, involvement and engagement. We encourage students to work together, to develop their mathematical communication skills, and to become part of a mathematical community.

We’ll continue our focus this year on:

  • Math Games and Logic Puzzles
  • Insightful Problems
  • Hands-on Math Takeaways

And new this year, we’ll have a special double-focus:

  • Solve the Rubik’s Cube: Bring your cube or borrow one of ours. We’ll learn an efficient solving method and then explore the mathematics behind the cube.
  • Game Theory: Starting with the classic game of Nim, we’ll explore game theory through this and other delightful games.

The Bard Math Circle at the Kingston Library is organized by Bard math professor Japheth Wood, and facilitated by Bard Math Majors. If you’re interested in assisting, contact Japheth:

Second Saturdays, 1-3pm at the Kingston Library, 55 Franklin Street, Kingston NY 12401
2011: September 10, October 8, November 12, December 17
2012: January 14, February 11, March 10, April 14, May 12