October Approaches

The Bard Math Circle is excited to finish up a productive September with events at the Tivoli and Kingston Libraries, and prepare for an October jam-packed with events.

This Friday, October 3rd at 4:00 PM we will begin with our monthly visit to the Tivoli Free Library. We will be offering puzzles and games, a hands-on math project, and a challenging problem set. Sign up here to attend, although we always welcome walk-ins.

On Saturday, October 18th we will be having a Math Circle on Bard College campus in the Reem-Kayden Center for Science and Computation. This event will feature our open-classroom format, with puzzles, problems, and hands-on mathematics. Our Bard student volunteers are working hard to develop a series of math activities that should make for a fun, somewhat carnival-style environment.

Additionally, in preparation for the AMC8 middle school mathematics competition in November we will be hosting weekly prep sessions starting this Saturday, October 4th.

You can sign up here for the Circle on the 18th at Bard and the AMC8 prep program.

New! Math circle at the Germantown Library

Good news!

We’re opening a new math circle at the Germantown Library, starting this Thursday at 4pm. This circle will be held on Third Thursdays of each month.

Please join us in Germantown, and share this message with your friends. If you’d like to receive regular reminders about the Germantown math circle, just send us a friendly message to bardmathcircle@gmail.com.

Date: Thursday, March 20
Time: 4pm
Location: The Germantown Library, 31 Palatine Park Road in Germantown, NY (518.537.5800; germantownlibrary.org).

Room: The Hover Room. Please park in the rear parking area, which has direct access to the Hover Room.

The Bard Math Circle, organized by students and faculty at Bard College, is a mathematical enrichment program geared toward middle school and elementary students. Each month features puzzles and games, challenging problems, and a hands-on project that students can take home. The Bard Math Circle offers a gentle math environment where students can explore hands-on math without time pressure. The aim is to help students strengthen their critical thinking skills and make math more fun. The program is geared toward students in grades 5-8, but all are welcome. The plan is for the Bard Math Circle to meet on the Third Thursday of each month at the Germantown Library.
Please join us!

Bard Math Circle

Inline image 1

October Math Circle at the Kingston Library

Our  Kingston Library math circle met for the second time this fall on Saturday. It’s very heartening to see the regular faces (each a year older, and growing fast) and the newcomers are also a welcome sight.
There was a lot of great mathematical thinking, as can be seen in this scratch work.

(note the typo – I forgot to update the date from September’s circle meeting)

We had a lot of students sharing their work on these problems at the end of class.




Each month we also feature a hands-on project,  and this month we made a paper cut and glue Curry’s Triangle Paradox.

What do you find disturbing in the following picture? The graph paper grid is there intentionally to help measure distances and areas.


The Bard Math Circle returns to the Kingston Library

Our math circle programming has started, and our very first meeting at the Kingston Library this fall will take place on Saturday, September 28th, 1-3pm. We’re all looking forward to seeing you there! Please invite a friend.

We plan our events with middle school and upper elementary school students in mind, but all are welcome. Students have many math activities to choose from: math puzzles and logic games, a hands-on math project to take home and share, and a problem sheet that features challenging math problems at the middle school level. Bard math majors are there to share their passion for mathematics and to work with the students. At the end of the session, everyone shares their solutions to the problems.

News and Announcements

We’ve moved our webpage to our own URL: bardmathcircle.org. Please take a look – the site features blog posts of interest, and also information on each of our programs.

This November we’ll host the AMC 8 exam for the second year, along with an advanced math talk for middle school students. The registration form is already posted on our web page: http://www.bardmathcircle.org/p/amc-8.html. You could sign up, even before we announce that registration is open!
September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Make sure to get your library card this Saturday!
We use this email account to make announcements and send reminders about our programs. You’re receiving this email since you’re on our Kingston Library email list. If you don’t want to be on this list, or if there are other Bard Math Circle programs that you’re interested in, just send us a friendly email.
Are you interested in volunteering with the Bard Math Circle? We’re currently looking for high school and college students to volunteer at our library programs. We’re also looking for mathematical adults to help us expand to other libraries around the region. And we’re in need of a web master to help maintain our webpage, email lists, and other online presence. Please write us if you’d like to know more about these opportunities.
Thanks to La Voz magazine for offering this Spanish-language version of the above.
Vuelve el Círculo de Matemáticas de Bard a Kingston
El primer encuentro del Círculo de Matemáticas de Bard College se llevará a cabo este sábado 28 de septiembre de 1:00 pm a 3:00 pm en la Biblioteca Kingston (55 Franklin St), que será el punto de encuentro durante este otoño. Los siguientes encuentros serán el 26 de octubre, 23 de noviembre y 21 de diciembre.
¡Todos tenemos ganas de volver a verlos allí! Así que por favor inviten a un amigo y asistan al Círculo de Matemáticas.

Las actividades fueron pensadas para estudiantes de la escuela media y escuela primaria, sin embargo, ¡todos son bienvenidos! Los estudiantes podrán elegir y ser parte de distintas actividades de matemáticas como: acertijos matemáticos y juegos de lógica, proyectos prácticos de matemáticas para llevar a casa y compartir, y una hoja de problemas que desafían el nivel matemático de la escuela media.

Habrá estudiantes de Bard, que eligieron la matemática como su carrera, compartiendo su pasión por la misma, y ayudando a los niños a llevar a cabo estas actividades. Al final de la sesión, todo el mundo comparte sus soluciones a los problemas.
Para más información visite http://www.bardmathcircle.org/p/kingston.html.
Atención: Septiembre es el mes para obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca a nivel nacional. ¡Asegúrese de obtener su tarjeta de la biblioteca este sábado!
Más noticias
En el mes de noviembre se organizará un examen llamado AMC 8, junto con una charla de matemáticas avanzadas para estudiantes de secundaria. El formulario de inscripción ya está publicado en la página web: http://www.bardmathcircle.org/p/amc-8.html . Usted puede inscribirse, ¡incluso antes de que anuncien la apertura de inscripciones!

¿Está interesado en ser voluntario en el Círculo de Matemáticas de Bard? En estos momentos estamos en busca de estudiantes de escuela secundaria (high school) y de universidad que quieran ser voluntarios en nuestros programas. También estamos buscando adultos matemáticos que quieran ayudar a expandir este maravilloso programa a otras bibliotecas de la región. A demás necesitamos una persona que nos ayude con nuestra página web y publicaciones en línea. Si desea saber más información, ¡escribanos! bardmathcircle@gmail.com


Publicado por La Voz en La Voz el 9/26/2013 10:54:00 a.m.


2013-2014 Kingston Schedule, AMC 8

We’re planning out events for the next school year, and here are two programs that will be running, starting this fall:

Event: Monthly math circle in Kingston, NY
Location: Kingston Library, 55 Franklin Street
Dates: We will meet on the following Saturdays, 1pm – 3pm:

     2013: September 28, October 26, November 23, December 21 
     2014: February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14
Audience: Geared toward middle school and upper elementary students
Interested? Email bardmathcircle@gmail.com and ask to join our Kingston email list.

Educators: Sign up on My Learning Plan to participate and earn credit.

Program: We feature puzzles and games, challenging problems, and hands-on projects. We help students strengthen their critical thinking skills and make math more fun. 


Event: American Math Contest 8 (AMC 8)

Location: Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 4pm-6pm.
Audience: Top math students in grades 5-8.
Interested? Email bardmathcircle@gmail.com and ask to join our AMC 8  email list. We’ll provide more information this fall.
Contest: The 25 question, 40 minute AMC 8 Contest contains engaging math problems that are challenging at the middle school level. The exam is intended to inspire, promote enthusiasm, and a healthy attitude towards mathematics. Students will be exposed to the richness of middle school level mathematics at a deeper level than ordinarily encountered in the schools.


Program: Students and their families will be welcomed with refreshments before the exam. Afterwards, everyone will be treated to an engaging math talk, courtesy of the Bard Math Department.

NY Math Circle Workshop at Bard College for Middle School Math Teachers!

The New York Math Circle is running its 5th summer math workshop (the 4th time at Bard College). The theme of this summer’s workshop is “Surface Area and Volume”, and is a nice experience with Solid Geometry for teachers. This is of interest to teachers local to Bard, as the commuter discount on top of the public school teacher discount together drop the cost of the workshop to minimal.

The full announcement is below:


   New York Math Circle
Summer 2013 Teachers Workshop

Summer Teachers’ Workshop

Click here to Register

To our fellow math teachers,

With the end of the school year in sight, you may be wondering what to do with yourself this summer. The answer is our Summer Teachers’ Workshop!

Summer Workshop 2013 at Bard College (July 29 – August 2)

This summer’s theme is “Volume and Surface Area.” We’re looking forward to helping participants deepen their content knowledge of Solid Geometry and enrich their math classrooms with challenging problems. The workshop is designed for middle school math teachers, but all math teachers are welcome.

Mathematical Program

The workshop features 24 contact hours of mathematics centered around Volume and Surface Area. Mornings consist of collaborative problem sessions, while the afternoon talks—led by NY Math Circle instructors and Bard math professors—enrich and extend.

The co-organizers of the workshop are Japheth Wood, executive director of the New York Math Circle and math professor in the Bard Master of Arts in Teaching program, and Justin Lanier, math teacher at Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn, and math blogger at I Choose Math and Math Munch. Japheth and Justin have designed the workshop to address the following questions, and more:

  • How are surface area and volume defined, and what are the connections between them?
  • How are volume and surface area formulas (such as for prisms, cones, and spheres) established?
  • What is the history of the subject, from Euclid and Archimedes to the modern day?
  • What are some challenging (yet accessible) problems, as well as hands-on math activities that will inspire our students and enrich our math classrooms?
  • How does this topic connect to the mathematics in high school and beyond?

For more information and to register for the workshop visit: http://www.nymathcircle.org/workshop
Public School Teachers: The Math for America discount for public school teachers drops the cost for the week (including room and board) from $445 to just $295. A letter from your principal is required.

Commuters: Local teachers save $150 for not requiring a dorm room for the week. But you still get everything else, including meals!

PD and Graduate Credit: Upon completion, you will receive a certificate and a letter documenting 24 math contact hours. With the approval from your principal, this can count as PD. You can also earn 2 graduate credits from the Bard MAT Program (a separate processing fee applies) by documenting how this workshop enriches your classroom over the following year.

Entertainment and Arts offerings
Independent of our workshop, the arts are alive at Bard College this summer. We’ve cleared the schedule on Wednesday afternoon for you to explore. You could choose to attend a 3pm performance of Oresteia by Sergey Taneyev, go for a hike, or discover other treasures that the area has to offer.
Our closing meal on Thursday evening will be at the Spiegeltent: a choice of classic summer fare — including burgers and brats from the grill, fresh salads, gourmet ice cream, and handcrafted beers and wines from the Hudson Valley region. Vegetarian options available, of course. Dinner transforms into performance, with Spiegeltent’s Thursday Night Live! Musicians Imharhan and Mamadou Kelly perform Music of Mali. “A captivating combination of traditional and contemporary West African sounds. The rumble and grit of Saharan nomads with electric guitars.”

We’re looking forward to seeing you at Bard College this summer!

NYMC Summer Workshop


AMC 8 Solutions

The AMC 8 Solutions have been published on the AMC website. But the real fun is happening at the Art of Problem Solving resource wiki, where you can already read nicely written solutions.
If you kept a record of the answers you submitted, you can calculate your informal score (out of 25). How did you do?
My informal score is 23. I had a lot of fun working on these problems (without a time constraint) during the week after the AMC 8, while riding around on the NYC subway, shuttling between appointments. I missed problems 21 and 22, mainly because I didn’t read carefully what was being asked. On the other hand, it’s been a long time since I was in middle school. I think I would also have really enjoyed them way back then!
Please leave a comment about your experience with the AMC 8. What were your favorite problems? Do you have a solution you’re proud of? What did you miss, and why? If you can join us on Saturday, December 8th, we’ll share some solutions at the math circle meeting at the Kingston Library, 1pm-3pm.
See you there!

Is a Turkey with a Turkey inside (Turkey)^2?

Happy Thanksgiving from Bard Math Circle! 
Before you pass out from tryptophan or sleep to catch some amazing sales on Black Friday, sink your teeth into ViHart’s latest video! 
If we think of each bird as its own function we can treat this…Frankenturkey as a composition* of them! 
* In the context of functions, function composition is having functions within functions. It’s like Inception but mathematicians did it first.
Follow us on Twitter!! 

Tweet, Tweet, Math!!

Hello everyone, the Bard Math Circle now has an official twitter account. Follow us for your daily dose of math! See you at a Math Circle!

Until then…keep doing math, keep asking questions, and keep making discoveries!

I can’t wait to see how people did on the AMC 8! I wished I could have taken it, everyone looked like they had so much fun :D!

Instant Insanity

Dear Math Lovers,

It’s that time of month again – the Bard Math Circle will meet on Saturday, November 10th, 1-3pm in the Kingston Library (upstairs in the Community Room). Middle school-aged students will engage in our math puzzles and logic games, work on a sheet of challenging problems, and build a math artifact to take home.

The problems this month are sample problems from the AMC-8 contest. In part, this is preparation for those students who will visit us at Bard College next Tuesday, November 13th to face the AMC-8 contest. But the real reason that we focus on a few challenging problems each month is as an entry point into beautiful mathematics, and seeing unusual and creative ways in which the mathematics we already know can be used to solve problems in ways we don’t expect. We still have room, so if you’re interested, please visit our AMC-8 Page for instructions on how to register.

The hands-on project this month is constructing a challenging puzzle known affectionately as Instant Insanity. It’s a simple-looking puzzle built of three wooden cubes and colored stickers, but as the name suggests, it’s insanely difficult. As a bonus, we’ll see a different way of considering the problem that makes the solution quite simple. And then you get to take the puzzle home to your family…

See you in Kingston this Saturday!


Bard Math Circle