Bard Math Camp Day 2

Everyone arrived bright and early full of energy for the second day of CAMP! We began with a variety of warm-up activities to get our brains on track for more math and logic. We had teams learning to solve Rubik’s cubes, campers pairing up to play Rush Hour and other campers solving a variety of puzzles.

Soon after in computer science, we continued our challenge from the previous day with some groups going more in-depth to understand computers and other using NetLogo to make create variables such as turtles and cows that can draw squares in the language. They were challenged to be able to kill their turtles and perform various other actions on these variables. Their next challenge: Functions.

In Math class, campers reviewed information from yesterday and then dove deeper into fractals. They analyzed the rules for creating the Sierpinski Gasket fractal.  They began forming connections between the mathematical connection of fractals to their application in Computer Science.

Lastly, in Art, we began making our very own deck of cards! Each camper made their own set, with 4 houses. They had the option to make up their own houses or use the traditional hearts/spades/diamonds/clovers. We used stamps and various other art materials to create them.

At the end of the day we hiked to the Parliament of Reality and learned how to grass whistle. Others took their creativity to the studio and went painting and the last group had an intense Rubik’s cube championship.
