As usual, welcome to CAMP 2021 Day 4! As we are closing up the week, staffs and CAMPers remain energetic from the early morning. Today, CAMPers work on the in-depth application of tessellation. This includes: complex Voronoi Tessellations creation, constructing tessellations through mathematical understanding, and writing Python Turtle codes.
In Anish‘s Computer Science class, CAMPers learn how to build their own codes on Python Turtle. A Turtle is a pre-installed Python library that allows CAMPers to create pictures and shapes through a virtual background.

CAMPers construct their own Turtle codes, take close looks at the Turtle, and write down their guess on what the Turtle will turn out to be.

In addition, CAMPers begin their own journey on Turtle. They write down codes that will lead the Turtle to draw a rectangle in fixed length and width. The turtle runs from one edge to another, CAMPers are to set certain length for it to run.

In Frances‘s Math Class, CAMPers work on Tessellation Creator, a website that helps CAMPers to build their tessellations online. CAMPers are given information is yesterday’s class about polygons. It is now the time to fit every shapes into one!

In Karen‘s Computer Science Class, CAMPers are introduced to the vertex in programming. They learn how the code “endshape” is used to end every shape they create. With this code, many shapes can be created through one canva. Notice how the code “funshape” repeats itself over and over time, the different rotation of the shape itself helps each one fits into one another (just like a puzzle!).

Later on, CAMPers draw shapes and fill out their colors. They create shapes that corresponds with each other – together becomes tessellations.

In Grace‘s Art Class, CAMPers learn about the literal meaning of polygons. They also learn about Voronoi Tessellation – a random sequence of patterns. For instance, city and map views. That said, the World map is also a Voronoi tessellation (see image).

Last but not least, we wrap Day 4 with — Among Us! In Ayanna’s Activities, CAMPers enjoy a Mathematics Among Us that is looking for imposters.
As we are getting closer and closer to our last day, CAMPers are more familiar with tessellation and its applications! In the end of the week, we are not ready to say goodbye to CAMP, but what we learn will always carry along with us.
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