About AMC
MAA American Mathematics Competitions
The American Mathematics Competitions are a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge in middle and high school students.
- American Mathematics Competition 8 (AMC 8): AMC’s middle school level competition
- American Mathematics Competition 10/12 (AMC 10/12): AMC’s high school level competition
What is the AMC 8?
The AMC 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills. The AMC 8 provides an opportunity for middle school students to develop positive attitudes towards analytical thinking and mathematics.
What is the AMC 10/12?
The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills.
The AMC 10 is for students in 10th grade or below . The AMC 12 is for students in grade 12 or below.
Click here to understand how the AMC 10B works.
What is the Purple Comet?
The Purple Comet! Math Meet is a free, annual, international, online, team, mathematics competition designed for middle and high school students that have been held every year since 2003. Teams of from one to six students compete by submitting solutions to a list of mathematics problems. There is a ten-day window during which teams may compete by choosing a start time most convenient for them. The problems range in difficulty from fairly easy to extremely challenging. In 2016 over 12,000 students competed on over 3200 teams from 59 countries.
[Source: https://purplecomet.org/information/summary]
What is the GAIM?
GAIM is an interdisciplinary problem-solving experience—half team math competition and half strategy game social—designed to inspire our next generation of women leaders, innovators, and visionaries.
In the first half of the event, teams of four girls from the same school work as a team on 16 open-ended math problems for a 60-minute Round 1. After a short break, students continue to a 20-minute Round 2, one multi-answer “research question.”
After the math competition portion of the afternoon, students and coaches gather in a common space to play curated strategy games. We ask our students to explore how games are structured. For example, is there a guaranteed winner? If so, what would this player’s strategy be?
GAIM shows our girls both how math is integral to their life journeys, and how joyful the journey can be. Unlike popular conception, mathematics is so much more than computation, performed alone. At its core, it is strategic, creative, and logical problem solving that underlies almost all meaningful human pursuits.
We present some of the most challenging and innovative math problems to students in this age group, contextualized in the stories of pioneering women from history representing dramatically different life paths, geographies, and eras. We showcase their adventures in visually arresting and humorous comics and exciting strategy games. Through laughter and play, GAIM addresses the emotional needs of our early mathematicians—fun, community, and resilience—and supports them well beyond GAIM day, in the classroom and beyond.
Registration for the 2019 GAIM: https://www.girlsadventuresinmath.com/aoh-ny
Read about our competition history blogs.