Spring 2017 Math Circle Programs

A belated Happy New Year from the Bard Math Circle to you! We are ready to hit the ground running with several events coming up soon. See below for information on our Library ProgramsCompetitionsRubik’s Cube Club and CAMP

Library Programs

We have two library programs this month.

Tivoli Free Library

Our February Math Circle at the Tivoli Free Library will be this Friday, February 3rd. The Tivoli Free Library is located at 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583. We will play games, solve puzzles, and tackle interesting problems from 4:00 until 5:30 pm.

Do you love coming to Tivoli and want to mark your calendars ahead of time? The remaining dates for this academic year will be March 3rd, April 7th, and May 5th, same time same place!

Kingston Library

New for 2017! Our Kingston Math Circles will feature several math explorations this spring that are favorites at math circles around the country. Our January Kingston Math Circle is on Saturday,  February 11th. We welcome one and all to the Kingston Library at 55 Franklin Street, Kingston, NY 12401. Join us upstairs in the Community Room from 1:00 until 3:00 pm for some enriching problem solving and fun, math-themed crafts!

We would love to see you at all of our upcoming Kingston Math Circles! The remaining dates for this academic year are March 11th, April 15th, and May 13th.

All library programs are run on a drop-in basis, and registration is not required. We do ask students to sign in each time, and to provide their name, grade, and school. This is done electronically for Kingston, so please sign in using this link at least once this year.


AMC 10/12

The AMC 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. The AMC 12 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with pre-calculus concepts.

The Bard Math Circle is proud to offer the AMC 10/12 B exams on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at Bard College. This activity is offered at no cost, but due to limited space, registration is required in advance.

There are still spots remaining, so act fast! To register please click here.

We will host two prep sessions in the weekends leading up to the exam and email registrants with details. For more information, please consult the registration page or emails us at bardmathcircle@gmail.com.

Rubik’s Cube Club

Back by popular demand! Our first Rubik’s Cube Club meeting of the semester will be on February 17th with location and time TBD. Stay tuned for more information!

Mark your calendars! The remaining dates for this academic year will be March 10thApril 14th, and May 12th.


Our Creative and Analytical Math Program for middle school students will return the week of August 28 — September 1, 2017. Please save the date! We’ll let you know more information when the application is open later this spring. (Use the  update subscription preferences link below to let us know you’re interested in CAMP.)

For a list of other summer math enrichment opportunities for middle school and high school students, please visit:

The Art of Problem Solving’s list of Mathematics summer programs (http://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Mathematics_summer_program)

The American Mathematical Society’s list of Summer Math Camps and Programs for Students

Start your year off right – with math, of course!

Bard Math Circle